Riotous Living
...Whitney Houston Dead at 48!

By David J. Stewart | March 2012

Luke 15:13, “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.”

       Sadly, legendary singer Whitney Houston is dead! Houston was a fabulous and inspiring singer, loved by many. Although toxicology reports won't be released for another few weeks from the coroner's office, friends and family already knew that Whitney Houston's long-time battle with drug and alcohol abuse finally caught up with her. At the 2012 Grammy Awards, singer Cyndi Lauper said Whitney Houston “had some demons she couldn't beat.” Whitney Houston's life is a tragic tale of choir girl gone bad, known as the queen of the crack-cocaine house.

Legendary singer Whitney Houston was found lifeless in a luxury suite in Beverly Hills on Saturday, February 11, 2012. When paramedics arrived, they found Houston's dead body underwater in a bathtub. Whitney was only 48 years old. Sadly, Houston had been out wild partying with her 18-year-old daughter just the night before her death, drinking booze and acting the fool. Oh how the Devil is a beautiful liar! Satan steals, kills & destroys...

Friday Night Before Houston's Death...

Credits: David Tonnessen/Ben Dome/Pacific Coast News

The singer and actress, who had a long history of drink and drug abuse, may have drowned after accidentally overdosing and falling asleep, according to celebrity websites. Bottles of tablets used to treat anxiety and sleeping pills were discovered in her fourth-floor room.

The 48-year-old reportedly ‘partied heavily’ in the hours leading up to her death. It is thought the drugs, mixed with alcohol, acted as sedatives and caused her to fall asleep. Her body was found by one of her entourage on Saturday afternoon at LA’s Beverly Hilton Hotel. Paramedics were called but could not revive her.

Fears were raised for her well-being on Friday when ‘a very loud’ and agitated Houston emerged disheveled following a night of partying with daughter Bobbi Kristina, 18, at the Tru nightclub, gossip site TMZ said.

SOURCE: Whitney Houston 'partied hard' before being found dead in hotel bath

THE DAILY MAIL reports that Houston spent her career fortunes on cocaine and was 'on the brink of bankruptcy.' Nearly every prescription drug comes with a warning about consuming alcohol with it. I've noticed that it's usually a COMBINATION of prescription drugs that kill people (often mixed with alcohol or illegal drugs). Numerous celebrities have died from combining prescription drugs. Keith Ledger died from an overdose on Percocet in 2007. 

One thing is abundantly clear, celebrities have problem with drug and alcohol abuse. Andy Gibb didn't make it past his 31st birthday because of cocaine abuse. At age 30, legendary singer Andy Gibb died when his heart succumbed to years of cocaine abuse. Amy Winehouse died last year because of alcohol and drug abuse. I recently published a sad article about Rick Danko and his son, both having died from drug and alcohol abuse. It's so sad and tragic. When will people ever learn that all the Devil's apples have worms?

The Daily Mail reports:

Award-winning singer and actress' bodyguard 'found her drowned in bath in her hotel room'
• Prescription pills 'found in room' amid speculation that former addict's death is drug-related
• I Will Always Love You singer 'partied heavily' in hotel bar on Friday, according to reports
• Last appeared in public on Thursday where she looked disheveled and 'smelled of alcohol'
• Star was on 'brink of bankruptcy' having 'frittered away pop fortune on crack cocaine'
• Warning signs were there after erratic perform on X Factor in 2009, says Simon Cowell
• Celebrities flock to Twitter to pay tributes to 'beautiful and talented' singer
• Hits could top the charts again as fans rush to download best songs

"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools." —Ecclesiastes 7:5

Please understand that I don't judge anyone, for we are all guilty sinners in God's eyes. Alcohol and drug abuse have claimed so many lives. People never learn because society glorifies riotous living.

Whitney Houston—The Untold Story!

by David J. Stewart

Although I don't like his dishonesty (blaming Arabs and constantly denying that the 911 attacks were an inside job), Bill O'Reilly said it well concerning Whitney Houston in the following article. By the way, that's why newsmedia deceivers like Bill O'Reilly take advantage of stories like Whitney Houston. Any idiot knows the truth about Whitney Houston's substance abuse and addiction problems. Bill O'Reilly's story below is like stating that the sky is blue and then bragging because you tell the truth, while blatantly denying that the earth is round.

FoxNews tells the truth about a select number of issues, while carefully lying and deceiving the public about other critical issues; such as the fraudulent and criminal federal reserve banking system which steals American homes, forcing people into bankruptcy and overwhelming mental anguish when they lose everything. As trend's forecaster Gerald Celente eloquently says, "When people lose everything... they lose it!"

I certain don't condemn anyone for their faults or sins, for we are all sinners in God's eyes. Albeit, I think if singer Whitney Houston could come back from the grave today, she would warn young people about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Houston's untimely death was sad and unnecessary...

Why Whitney Houston Died
By Bill O'Reilly
, February 16, 2012 | AP/TMZ

Whitney Houston's body is taken from her hotel room on Feb. 11, 2012.
The media has no bleepin' clue how to cover the death of Whitney Houston. That's because she was slowly dying for years, and many in the press simply averted their eyes.

It was ultra-disturbing that a beautiful woman blessed with an extraordinary singing voice chose a self-destructive path in full view of the world. I mean, here is a person who signed a $100 million recording contract, actually sold 170 million albums, and commanded high six figures to deliver a 90-minute concert.

O'Reilly to Media: Tell the truth about Whitney and drugs

'Factor' host Bill O'Reilly sounds off on Whitney Houston's death, the media's coverage of celebrity drug addiction, reveals his new project and more

Ms. Houston was a genuine worldwide star, yet was often seen in public disheveled and confused, her substance addiction apparent. The media simply did not know what to say.

We live in a time where addiction is categorized as a disease, and to do what Nancy Reagan once did, urge people to reject narcotics, is considered uncool. How many young performers do we see doing public service announcements warning children to avoid intoxication? Right now, I can't think of one.

The national media prides itself on being non-judgmental unless you are against abortion. Then you are dismissed as "anti-woman" or a religious zealot. But in the arena of personal behavior, there's an excuse for just about every non-violent activity or bad decision.

There is no question that some of us have a history of addiction in our families. There are folks who can use drugs casually and avoid dependence. But they are the exception.

Once a person decides to dabble in cocaine, or opiates like heroin and Oxycontin, they are putting themselves at grave risk. And they know it.

There are legends of famous people who wound up dead just like Whitney Houston. From Elvis Presley to Michael Jackson, the signposts are impossible to miss. No matter how rich and powerful you are, drugs can and will destroy you.

The current medical marijuana ruse is a great example of a society walking away from a responsible position. Ask any drug rehab counselor and he or she will tell you that pot often leads a person to harder drug use and is mentally addictive itself.

Yes, most people can function while stoned. But the more you alter your mind, the more your perspective on life changes. Believe me, I know people who get stoned or drunk every day. They become incredibly desensitized to those around them.

On the kid front, the situation is dire. Once a child enters the world of intoxication, their childhood is gone. Presto—they are jaded. That's how dangerous drugs and alcohol are to immature minds. Society has an obligation to protect its children, not to tacitly accept or embrace mind-altering agents like marijuana.

Whitney Houston, however, was an adult who made a decision to embrace the drug life. Reports say she tried to rehabilitate herself a few times, but you know how that goes. Once a person enters the hell of addiction, there is no easy way out.

And that's how the Whitney Houston story should be covered. As a cautionary tale. Another life vanquished by substance abuse.

Bill O'Reilly is host of Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor" and the author several bestselling books. His latest book is "Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever." For more visit and

SOURCE: Why Whitney Houston Died | Fox News

MOST people die from LEGAL alcohol and prescription drug overdoses. As you just read, Bill O'Reilly is correct...

"Once a person enters the hell of addiction, there is no easy way out."

As much as I detest Bill O'Reilly's lying about the 911 attacks and many other issues that he covers-up, I agree with him that Houston needs to be exposed as a bad example for young people to follow.

I also agree that legalizing drugs is NOT the answer. The CIA and criminal mafia would just find another racket, like they did when booze was made legal. Kids don't just get into illegal drugs... they're led into that wicked and destructive lifestyle by their musical heroes!!! Carnal music is ear candy, highly addictive to the sinful flesh! Kids diligently research their heroes and find out every detail of their life so they can mimic it, from the way they dress to the illegal drugs and booze they addict their bodies to. That's why I expose celebrates with destructive and evil tendencies, that is, because I love young people and don't want their lives ruined.

Our kids need positive role models, like local firemen and nurses and doctors; not some pimp trash garbage like Eminem or Tap Out fad founder, Charles “Mask” Lewis Jr. (1963-2009), who has the word “HELL” tattooed on his arm, wears crosses on his shoulders, has tattoos all over his body, dresses and acts like a freak, and has led millions of youth into worldliness with his punk-ass clothing line and freak-show. Lewis is a tinfoil hat-wearing nutcase! I know he's loved by millions of punks everywhere, but God has a better role model for your life... JESUS CHRIST!

I could mention thousands of names... Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Madonna, Ozzy Osbourne, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, ACDC, Pink Floyd, Cheetah Girls, Miley Cyrus Amy  Winehouse, The Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Third Day, Amy Grant, Avalon, TobyMac, Mercy Me, Jaci Velazquez, Toby Keith, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash... all fantastic musicians and singers musically speaking, but all pulling on the same rope as the Devil spiritually speaking. America has become an idolatrous nation of celebrity worshippers. God is jealous when people think about their favorite actors, singers and musicians morning, noon and night. God wants to be first in all our thoughts (John 12:43; Psalm 1:1-5).

It's time for us to start encouraging our children to have better role models, looking up to people who fear God and aren't glorifying Satan with their life and works.

10% of US Children Live With Alcoholic Parent

by Vicksburg Daily News Staff
February 16, 2012

A brand new government study says that alcoholism directly impacts the lives of approximately 10.5% of American children.

The study, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, involved analyzing data from a national survey conducted over the five year period beginning in 2005 and ending in 2010. Researchers found that about 7.5 million children (defined as those under 18 years of age) lived with a parent who abused alcohol.

One surprising revelation for most who have viewed the results of the study is that the vast majority of those children – just over 6 million – lived in a two-parent household where one or both parents suffered from alcoholism. The study also shows that the overwhelming majority of the children living in single-parent households were living with their mother or other female guardian.

The finding suggest that children living in alcoholic households were at greater risk of physical abuse, neglect, mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, and were four times more likely to develop alcohol problems than those children living with parents who did not abuse alcohol.

If you or someone you know is affected by the disease of alcoholism, don’t hesitate to seek assistance, especially if there is a child involved. There are many local agencies that can help. Warren-Yazoo Mental Health can point you in the right direction. Call them at 601-638-0031. Talk to the fine folks over at Grace Christian Counseling Center at 601-636-5703. You can also reach out to Alcoholics Anonymous by calling (601) 636-1134 or checking out the meeting schedule on their official website by clicking HERE.

If you’ve got a problem… reach out to a friend. If you’ve got a friend who has a problem… reach out to them.

SOURCE: 10% of US Children Live With Alcoholic Parent » Vicksburg Daily News

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." —Isaiah 13:11

The Devil's Music

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10